Why Join 1776?

Caregivers are in high demand. Agencies and facilities are always looking for quality caregivers. 1776 is no different. We are always hiring!

But what makes us different?

  1. We are not a franchise. This business is owned and run by someone who loves to care of seniors. We don’t have a franchise office to report to and we can change our policies and procedures quickly to match the needs of our caregivers.

  2. We respect our caregivers. We know how hard you work. We work hard to get our caregivers all the hours of care they need and treat the kindly and fairly.

  3. We have great caregiver benefits. Read about those here.

  4. We communicate. A lot. We want to make sure you are given as much preparation and help as possible when working with our clients. We never want you to feel like you are alone. You are part of a care team at 1776!

  5. You will be valued. To become a caregiver at 1776 requires you to go through several interview and an orientation before you start working. Our team is investing in you and we value your contribution to the team.

  6. We guarantee you will earn $500 or more per week if you work a full schedule. That’s over $2000 a month.

  7. You will love your clients. We are as picky about our clients at 1776 as we are about our caregivers. We will never put you in an unsafe environment and if you are uncomfortable with a client, we will move you to another.

  8. The company is always improving. Each day the office staff works very hard to make working at 1776 better for our caregivers. We try new things and test new ideas to see if we can help improve each caregiver’s life.

  9. We want to build a relationship. Our office staff doesn’t think of you as just a worker we send to shifts. They want to get to know you, even the CEO will call you on occasion. You will matter to us.

  10. We put people before profit. We measure our success in the number of hours we serve seniors, not the amount of money we bring in. The quality of life for our care teams, caregivers, and clients is more important to us than squeezing an extra $0.65 cents an hour out of a shift.